
作者: 时间:2020-01-14 点击数:







承担《遗传学》和《分子生物学》的教学任务,认真务实,爱岗敬业,教学效果良好。目前,作为生命科学学院 “国家油菜工程技术研究中心成果转化(广东)示范基地”和“傅廷栋院士西江流域油菜实验基地” 的负责人。2019年获肇庆市科研项目1项。


1) Wei C, Wang H, Heng S, Wen J, Yi B, Ma C, Tu J, Shen J*, Fu T. Construction of restorer lines and molecular mapping for restorer gene of hau cytoplasmic male sterility in Brassica napus. Theor Appl Genet, 2019, 132:2525-2539

2) Wei C, Zhu L, Wen J, Yi B, Ma C, Tu J, Shen J*, Fu T. Morphological, transcriptomics and biochemical characterization of new dwarf mutant of Brassica napus. Plant Sci, 2018, 270:97-113

3) Heng S, Gao J, Wei C, Chen F, Li X, Wen J, Yi B, Ma C, Tu J, Fu T, Shen J*. Transcript levels of orf288 are associated with the hau cytoplasmic male sterility system and altered nuclear gene expression in Brassica juncea. J Exp Bot, 2018, 69:455-466

4) Heng S, Chen F, Wei C, Li X, Yi B, Ma C, Tu J, Shen J, Fu T, Wen J*. Cytological and iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analyses of hau CMS in Brassica napus L. J proteomics, 2019, 193:230-238

5) Heng S, Wei C, Jing B, Wan Z, Wen J, Yi B, Ma C, Tu J, Fu T, Shen J*. Comparative analysis of mitochondrial genomes between the hau cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) line and its iso-nuclear maintainer line in Brassica juncea to reveal the origin of the CMS-associated gene orf288. BMC Genomics, 2014, 15:322


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